wpd has Placed an Order with the Nordex Group for 188 MW in Finland
The Nordex Group received another order for N163/5.X turbines in the Delta4000 series. wpd placed an order with the Nordex Group for 33 turbines for the 188 MW “Karhunnevankangas” project in Finland. The order also includes a Premium Service contract covering a period of 15 years and an option to extend by a further five years.
Installation and completion of the wind farm in the north of Ostrobothnia in western Finland is scheduled for 2022. The turbines will be supplied in a project-specific operating mode of 5.7 MW, resulting in a total output for the wind farm of 188 MW. For the first time the Nordex Group will be installing the turbines on tubular steel towers with a hub height of 159 metres. The height of the rotor blade tips of 240 metres means that the turbines reach higher wind strata with less turbulence at the site, which is located near the coast.
“We are excited to have another wind farm with Nordex state of the art wind turbines” says Heikki Peltomaa, Managing Director of wpd Finland Oy and continues: “We are looking for late 2022 to start delivering emission free electricity to Europe’s largest paper company UPM based on corporate PPA.”
“The N163/5.X is ideally suited to sites with medium wind speeds and is a highly efficient solution for this project site on Finland’s west coast. We are pleased to note the renewed trust shown by wpd in our turbine technology and that here we are able to install it on tubular steel towers with hub heights of just under 160 metres,” says Patxi Landa, CSO of the Nordex Group.