Plant Stop on PETROPERÚ’s Conchán Refinery to Overhaul its Efficiency
The Conchán Refinery Plant of PETROPERU began its scheduled stop for this year with the objective of increasing the useful life of its process units, thereby boosting its efficiency in hydrocarbon production.
It’s also prepared to be the support in the fuel supply when the New Talara Refinery paralyzes its operations to interconnect the new production units with the existing ones.
The work carried out in the primary and vacuum distillation units includes the general maintenance of furnaces, distillation columns and stripper, structures, heat exchangers, electrical substation and valves; as well as, the replacement and installation of thermal insulation, among other works.
It is important to note that the Sales Plant, located in the Conchán Refinery, continues to serve normally, since there is sufficient inventory to cover the forecasted demand. The storage capacity of the refinery is 2.3 million barrels and the plant stop will not decrease this capacity.
Prior to the start of work, all the provisions of the case have been taken to carry out the work safely, efficiently and within the established deadlines.
More than 600 people perform maintenance work on the process units.