Petrobras Starts Well Tests on Giant Discoveries in Sergipe
This will be the first Long-Term Test carried out in ultra-deep waters in the Northeast region.
Petrobras said that it started the first long-term test of oil and gas production in the giant reserves discovered in the Sergipe-Alagoas basin. The market considers the region as the most promising Brazilian exploratory frontier after the pre-salt.
With a duration of 180 days, the test aims to seek more information about the reservoirs in ultra-deep waters found in the area as of 2012. It will be carried out in a discovery called Farfan, a project in which Petrobras has a partnership with the Indian consortium IBV.
The discoveries in Sergipe generated great business and revenue expectations for a region that has been producing oil for more than half a century, but today it lives with the decline of old fields and Petrobras’ lack of interest in exploration on land, where most of the land is located. activity.
With great potential for gas production, the area is also seen by the federal government as a possible driver of the so-called “cheap energy shock” promised by the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, in the first year of the Jair Bolsonaro administration.