Osbit Successfully Delivers Pile Gripper System to Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm
Pile Gripper System Delivery
Osbit has delivered a mono pile gripper system to the Yunlin offshore wind farm off Taiwan.
Osbit has supplied the equipment to Yunneng Wind Power, which is developing Yunlin Offshore Wind Farm.
The system will be used to support installation activities at the site.
Moored Floating Vessel
The system works by enabling monopile installation from a moored floating vessel and is designed to handle some of the largest monopiles in the world.
Deck Rail Skidding System
It is deployed and stowed using a deck rail skidding system and is used to maintain the position and verticality of the monopile foundations.
Gripper Design
The gripper design is “highly adaptable” for future projects, accommodating monopiles between 6.5 meters and up to 10 meters in diameter, with push forces of up to 300 tonnes.
Vessel Structure
The system has also been designed for rapid mobilization and can be adapted to suit different vessel structures.
Noise Mitigation
The system incorporates an integrated near pile noise mitigation system, which minimizes the subsea noise and vibration associated with piling activities, complemented by bubble curtain rings which are deployed to dampen the energy emitted into the environment and further protect marine life.
The system has been fabricated in Singapore to suit Yunneng’s project needs, with many sub-systems being shipped across from UK and EU suppliers for assembly.
Baker Engineering
A full project team has worked on site in Singapore throughout the build, closely collaborating with fabricator Baker Engineering, to deliver the completed gripper.
Osbit’s Pile Gripper
Following its completion, the Osbit-supplied pile gripper will now be mobilized on to the DLS-4200 vessel and will be deployed in the coming months.
It will be used in conjunction with an upending hinge, which is also being delivered by Osbit.