Nordex Group Chosen as Preferred Supplier for Alena Wind Farm, Chile
The Nordex Group Announced its first order for its N149/4.0-4.5 turbines from Chile. Mainstream Renewable Power, the global wind and solar development company, has ordered 18 turbines from the Delta4000 series for the “Alena” wind farm. The Nordex Group will supply the N149 turbines in the 4.8 MW operating mode. Mainstream has also signed a Premium Service contract with the Nordex Group for a period of 15 years, with an option to extend by a further five years. Installation of the turbines is due to start in autumn 2020.
The 86 MW “Alena” wind farm will be built in the region of Bío-Bío. Here, annual average wind speeds of 6.8 metres per second prevail at a hub height of 145 metres. Following completion at the beginning of 2021, “Alena” will provide more than 270 GWh of clean electricity a year.
“I am delighted that we are gaining a new customer in Mainstream Renewable Power, one of the leading project developers with a great deal of international experience. The trust placed in our company and technology is both a commitment and motivation. This order shows once again that our existing product range enables us to offer our customers technology for achieving optimum yields at all locations worldwide”, says Patxi Landa, CSO of the Nordex Group
Manuel Tagle, Mainstream Renewable Power’s General Manager for Latin America says:”We are delighted to be partnering with the Nordex Group at the Alena wind farm which is part of our wholly-owned and fully-contracted 1.3 GW Andes Renovables wind and solar generation platform in Chile. When fully operational it will generate enough carbon-free electricity to supply more than one in every six Chilean homes and will play an important role in helping to reduce the cost of electricity generation in the country.”