Jan De Nul Loads First Jackets for TPCS Offshore Wind Farm in Taiwan
Shortly after the first pin piles were transported to Taiwan, Jan De Nul Group now announces that the first jacket foundations for the Taiwan Power Company Offshore Windfarm Phase 1 Project – Demonstration are ready to leave the South Korean fabrication yard of Samkang.
Jan De Nul Group will transport 21 four-legged jackets from South Korea to the Taiwan offshore site in the coming weeks. The jackets will be shipped in five batches of three to five units on a self-propelled semi-submersible transport vessel. For this overseas transport, Jan De Nul Group has signed a contract with Taiwan based Hung Hua Construction Co., Ltd.
During the load-out operations at the yard of Samkang, the crew on board of the transport vessel remains isolated from all activities near and on shore in order to avoid all risk of contamination with COVID-19.
Jackets of up to 62 metres high
The 21 jackets for the TPC Offshore Windfarm measure between 55 m and 62 m in overall length. The heaviest unit weighs approximately 1,100 tonnes, and the combined total weight is approximately 22,000 tonnes.
The jackets include a 7.2 m high Transition Piece (TP) with a diameter of 5.4 m to support towers carrying the 5.2MW turbines. Each jacket also has two davit cranes for cargo hoisting and two boat landings to enable personnel access. The jackets are equipped with specialized offshore accessories such as navigation lights, foghorns, cameras etc.
Jan De Nul Group initiated the fabrication process in the summer of 2019. The first jacket was completed by the second half of April 2020, well in time to allow a timely installation.
Installation in Taiwan
Upon arrival in Taiwan, the 21 jackets will be custom cleared before travelling to their final destination approximately 8 km off the coast of Fangyuan in Central Western Taiwan, where Jan De Nul Group is responsible for their installation. Each jacket will be anchored to the seabed by four pin piles of 3.1 m diameter each.