Huisman’s OWF Wind Turbine Shuttle Design
To improve the efficiency of offshore wind turbine installation, Huisman developed the Wind Turbine Shuttle (WTS): a dynamically positioned, fast sailing (14 knots) SWATH – Small Water plane Area Twin Hull – type installation vessel which can carry and install two wind turbines in one piece. By combining low vessel motions, compensating systems and an accurate dynamic positioning system, the wind turbine is kept virtually stationary in relation to the fixed foundation during installation in sea states up to 3.5m significant wave height.
Advantages WTS:
- At least 80% workability in annual North Sea conditions;
- Excellent vessel motion characteristics;
- Active roll and pitch vessel motion compensation systems;
- Active heave, pitch and surge compensation hoisting systems;
- High transit speed and DP3;
- Can transport up to two wind turbines in one piece;
- Commissioning and testing onshore, turbine earlier online;
- Also capable of installing jackets, mono piles, piling and other offshore structures.