Global Wind Service Installed First Delta 4000 in the Netherlands
Nordex has awarded Global Wind Service (GWS) with installation of 4 of the newest Nordex Delta 4000 N149 turbines on TS135 towers at Ospeldijk wind farm in Holland – the first Delta 4000 turbines to be installed by GWS in the Netherlands.
“With the new Delta 4000 turbines we believe that Nordex will achieve a strong position in the market for 4 and 5MW turbines. We see an increase in demand for this turbine type and are looking forward to supporting Nordex at this journey to maintain our position as a reliable partner for the Delta 4000 turbines” said Lars Petersen, CCO at Global Wind Service.
Global Wind Service recently installed the first ever Delta 4000 turbines (N133/4.8 TS110) in the UK at Crossdykes, Scotland and has a strong track record of projects Nordex in Benelux. Most recently with Wieringermeer, Moerdijk and DMO.
Early March, GWS’ installation technicians will commence work on Ospeldijk wind farm, which is located in the province of Limburg, only 1.5h drive south of GWS’ office in Duiven, near Arnhem.
However, already on June 25th, 2020, Energy cooperative Zuidenwind and Waterleidingmaatschappij Limburg (WML) celebrated the start of the construction of the Windpark Ospeldijk, local contractors, councilor and relevant officials. The wind farm is expected to be fully operational in the summer 2021 and the 4 turbines are expected to produce 45 million kWh of electricity annually.