CSBC-Deme Inaugurates Taiwan Built Main Installation Vessel “Green Jade”
The construction of Green Jade began in September, 2020, three months after CSBE-DEME commissioned CSBC for this giant vessel dedicated for offshore wind.
Taiwan’s MIV
CSBC Chairman Cheng Wen Lon said: “The delivery of Taiwan’s first and only MIV is earlier than expected. He also highlighted that Green Jade is Taiwan’s largest (world’s second largest) MIV and the “most expensive” commercial ship ever built in CSBC history.”
Cheng also said: “The completion of this MIV could also indicated that Taiwan could be more “self reliant” in offshore wind farms construction.”
Green Jade
Green Jade’ highlights CDWE’s ambitions to further support the development of the offshore wind industry in Taiwan and the wider Asia Pacific region.
With the vessel being built in Kaohsiung and operating under the Taiwanese flag, and eventually being crewed by Taiwanese nationals, CDWE is putting every effort into maximizing local content.